If your teen has ever woken up to find their period has leaked out of their pad, tampon, or menstrual cup onto their sheets overnight, they are certainly not alone.
Period leaks are something most teens who menstruate will experience at some point in their lives. They are quite common, entirely normal, and nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed about.
Still, no matter how common period leaks are, teens might still be nervous about it happening. This is totally understandable, especially if they just got some new sheets or are new to having a period in general. The possibility of a leak can definitely bring about anxiety—maybe they're turning down invites to sleepovers because they're worried about leaving stains behind, or that their peers might tease them. We've all been there.
That said, there are many easy and stress-free ways for teens to deal with period leaks. Here's how they can stop period leakage at night.
Period Products for Sleeping
Period underwear
Period-proof panties are amazing for preventing leaks at night while your teen is on their monthly cycle. They’re super-comfortable and super-absorbent too, so even if they're prone to leaking through a pad or tampon, they provide a reassuring extra layer of protection against stains. Kt has a great range of period-proof underwear and reusable pads that you and your teen will absolutely love, such as...
Leakproof Sleepover Shorts
We know bikini briefs and overnight pads aren’t for everyone, which is why we designed the Super Leakproof Sleepover Shorts. Not only do they feel like wearing a big ol’ hug for the butt, they were also designed specifically to provide overnight protection, just like an overnight pad (without all that extra bulkiness and itchiness).
So if your child is the type to get extra stressed about period leaking at night, know that these shorts have you covered—literally! Kt’s Sleepover Shorts are super-absorbent, so they can have a good night's sleep knowing they aren't going to wake up to any period blood on their sheets.
Leakproof Underwear Bikini
When it comes to the summer months, finding panties that are light, comfortable, and strong enough to stop period leaking at night can be tough. That’s why we made Kt’s period-proof bikini.
These beautiful bikinis are perfect for summer periods. They’re light as a feather and crazy comfortable (no waking up in the night to find them riding halfway up your butt), so your teen can stay cool and 100% leak-free no matter the weather.
Kt period underwear can absorb up to three regular tampons’ worth of blood, so your child can sleep soundly knowing they'll be completely free of period leaks overnight. And because they’re made with special odor-crushing technology, they'll wake up smelling fresh, too.
Further reading: How to put in a tampon
Try out a menstrual disc or cup
Tampons and pads have their place, but having to change them every 4-8 hours can be tricky if your tween or teen is at a sleepover or camping in the woods. Thankfully, we live in a world of options, and there are plenty of period protection products available on the market.
Menstrual cups or discs are two such useful alternatives. They are both super comfortable and work in a similar way. However, discs are disposable and cups are reusable (making the latter a better choice for the environment). That said, a menstrual cup can still leak too, in which case you may want to experiment with inserting it in different ways to make sure it's sealed properly. Otherwise, you can always wear period underwear as backup to prevent period leaks while you sleep.

Other Tips to Prevent Leaks While Sleeping
Switch your (sleeping) position
How does your cild sleep on their period? On their back? Stomach? Side? There are dozens of different ways to sleep at night. Personally, we like to be cuddled beside three teddy bears—but that’s beside the point. Period blood flows differently depending on how they sleep. If you’re looking to avoid period leaks at night, they can consider switching up their sleeping position to the well-known and beloved fetal position.
Why the fetal position? Well, first off, “Sleeping in the fetal position takes pressure off the abdominal muscles," says Lisa Lindley, an M.D., board-certified gynecologist with Eisenhower Women's Health. Secondly, when their legs are pressed together, it naturally stops period leaks. It's a position that'll guarantee fewer chances of leaking. And in all honesty, it’s also just a comfortable position in general.
Use a period tracker
Are they still worried about their period surprising them at night? Keeping track of your menstrual cycle with a period tracker can help them plan for the month ahead. As well as telling you when they're due to start your period, they can also monitor flow, temperature, and more.
Not sure which one to choose? Download Kt's printable period tracker or read our guide to the best period tracker apps to find one that works for them.
Period leaks can happen at any time, and not just when your child is asleep either. For more tips on dealing with their period, why not read our handy back-to-school period survival guide? Or to find out more how period-proof panties can make day-to-day life that much easier, click here.
Period leaks while sleeping are a fact of life for a lot of people...but they don’t have to be. Kt's range of snug leakproof panties are perfect for preventing unexpected overnight leaks while your teen is on their monthly cycle. They’re absorbent, comfortable, and perfect for any occasion—join the period revolution today!